Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Faces of Wisconsin

The faces of Wisconsin: young, old, families, strollers and walkers, canes and placards; the faces we see every day as we live our lives; the faces we see in the mirror. I saw the faces of Wisconsin today, more than a 100,000 strong: smiling, chanting, earnest, and polite. Eyes met and shared. I stood for a time under a tree at the capitol, just gazing about, drinking in the sense of my state’s people, and for a moment, what it most strongly reminded me of was a winter farm auction back in the 70’s when I was a child: the same faces, the same sense both of purpose and of enjoying being amongst each other.

I’m sure we’ve all heard references to the ‘slobs’ and college students that are ‘the protesters’ at the capital. What I saw was: Wisconsinites, from every walk of life, of every age, from every part of the state; from Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Madison, and LaCrosse – and those were only the people I chatted with.

Over the past days, I’ve seen not just handshakes between ‘politicians’ and the public, but smiles, and laughter, and hugs, shared amongst those needing to be represented and those representing us, as we work together. I’ve seen law enforcement officers put in the most difficult positions, but remaining calm, quiet, and helpful. I’ve seen people kept out of the capitol by those officers, but understanding of the position they’ve been put in, chatting with them, laughing, and even joking together. And, I’m proud: proud of the people in my state; proud of those who represent us who have shared these days and weeks with us; proud of those placed in situations that have called upon the best in them – and giving it; proud to be one of us.

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