Thursday, March 10, 2011

Line in the Sand

Tonight without warning 18 Republican Senators voted and Wisconsin's State and Municipal employees no longer have Collective Bargaining.

Tonight, over Representative Barca's objections that not only was it against the rules, but because it violated open meeting requirements, it was illegal, the WI State Senate voted on a modified version of the 'Budget Repair Bill' that had stripped all fiscal items from it, so that a quorum would not be necessary.  In doing so, our state's State and Municipal employees rights to bargain collectively have effectively been stripped.
Tomorrow morning, the State Assembly will vote on this measure (10:00 or 11:00).  Even as the State Capitol is again currently being occupied by protesters, a rally against this measure has been called for 9:00 AM at the capitol.  Like Michael Moore earlier tonight, I would call for any of us that can find a way to make it to be there.
We may not be able to stop the measure, but let us not go whimpering into the night that this GOP controlled legislature is bringing us into.  I have heard people ask, "What next?"  Ten days ago I would not have believed that our GOP representatives would so blatantly ignore everything we are saying as we throng to the capitol.  Ten days ago I would not have believed that our GOP representatives would so blatantly ignore public opinion as revealed by every poll of the people here in the state as well as in the nation.  As of tonight, shock and disbelief, as well as a resolute anger, seem to be the emotions many of us share.  Tonight, I only half jokingly answer the question "What next?" with:  'Disbanding of the legislature and extending emergency powers to Gov. Walker."
If ever there was a day for any of us to act, tomorrow is it.  We must draw a line in the sand, demonstrating that tonight's actions have far over-reached any sense of decency in legislative process.  We can either show up at the capitol en masse, demonstrating our outrage, or demonstrate that whatever this GOP-controlled legislature chooses to ram down our throats, we'll 'take it'.

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